
Having a work day at the cabin

I didn’t get as much done last night as I had hoped so I am taking today as a work day instead of snowboarding.  It’s a nice blue bird day and I wish I was out riding, but I have a ton of stuff to get done, so I opted for a focus day here at the cabin without any of the distractions of home.


Mellow day at Alpine Meadows

Had a mellow day at Alpine Meadows.  Brian & Sarah did some ski training in the morning so I was riding by myself.  Did a lot of fun stuff in ‘Chute that Seldom Slides’ and found the best snow on ‘Expert’s Shortcut’.  The top of the mountain was shrouded in clouds all day so none of the hikes were open.  We had slight flurries all day which kept the crowds down.
Met a nice skier Eric on the ride up Summit chair and then again at Scott chair.  We ended up doing several laps on Scott chair together.  I showed him the trees on skier-left of ‘Chute that Seldom Slides’ which he liked very much.


Anyone at Alpine Meadows today…

Anyone at Alpine Meadows today?


Boarding at Alpine today. Anyone else here?


And one more powder day

Had another great powder day today at Alpine Meadows with Brian & Sarah.  Basically a repeat of yesterday.  🙂  Time to drive home and sit in traffic; what fun….  But that’s the price you pay for a pow-pow weekend


Great day at Alpine Meadows

I had a great day at Alpine Meadows today skiing with Brian, Sarah and Adam.  Adam and Brian had their cameras so we got some good shots.  It was a serious powder day (it dropped about 6 feet during the course of the week leading up to the weeked).
Brian posted a trip report here with some of the photos.  Here are two good ones of me coming down ‘Lower 40 Face’:


Looking forward to a PowPow day at Alpine Meadows

With Brian, Sarah, & the girls.  I must be able to make up for the horrid drive up last night.


Heading to Tahoe for the weekend.

I’ll be heading up tonight to Tahoe for the weekend.  We’ll be at Alpine Meadows for anyone who wants to meet up.

San Francisco

Crazy weather in SF

I can’t believe all the rain we have had, are having, and are forecasted to get.  Definitely heading to Tahoe this weekend for some snowboarding.


The Hurt Locker

Watched ‘The Hurt Locker‘ this evening.  It was a pretty crazy, surreal view on the life of a bomb specialist in Iraq.  It’s definitely a movie worth watching however it is not a feel good movie.  I can see why it got a lot of critical appeal.  Check it out, it’s definitely worth the rental price.